Generative Art as Non-Fungible-Tokens on Ethereum

Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. An autonomous system in this context is generally one that is non-human and can independently determine features of an artwork that would otherwise require decisions made directly by the artist. In some cases the human creator may claim that the generative system represents their own artistic idea, and in others that the system takes on the role of the creator. ...

January 21, 2021 · Paolo Facchinetti

DeFi: The bleeding edge of Blockchain and Web3

Decentralized Finance (also known as DeFi) is an ecosystem of financial applications built on top of blockchain networks. But what does this mean? If you aren’t familiar with modern blockchain applications such as Ethereum’s Decentralized Applications (or dApps), think of them as open source, distributed applications or services that are accessible by anyone that has access to the internet and has an Ethereum wallet. The DeFi ecosystem is made of dozens of different dApps that share the objecting of porting and improving financial instruments to the blockchain. ...

September 4, 2020 · Paolo Facchinetti