Work Experience#
2020 - 2025 | DevOps and Cloud developer @ smeup#
- Migrated legacy software to the Cloud, while applying architectural best practices and leveraging AWS technologies
- Managed both self-managed (k3s) and managed (EKS) Kubernetes clusters. Designed, tested and deployed applications on production kubernetes
- Built a tailor made telemetry collection system using Go, AWS and MongoDB
- Implemented CICD pipelines with Github Actions, Jenkins and ArgoCD
- 5th level EQF: ITS JobsAcademy - Web Design & Software Development
- High School: Liceo Scientifico F. Lussana - Applied Sciences
Programming Languages#
- Containers: EKS, ECR, ECS
- Database: RDS, DMS
- Other: Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, VPC, Route53
- Kubernetes: EKS, K3S, OpenShift
- Containers: Docker, Docker Compose
- CI/CD: Github Actions, Jenkins, Gitlab CI, ArgoCD
- Monitoring: Prometheus, Loki, Grafana
- Tracing: OpenTelemetry, Jaeger
- English - IELTS C1 8.0
- Italian - Native speaker
Open Source Contributions#
Reth, Rust implementation of the Ethereum protocol#
HyperLiquid, decentralized perpetual exchange#